Aware of triggers, how to ride the wave

Watching a series on Netflix triggers my past

It’s the old west the 1800 or early 1900’s women and girls taken to work in the brothel to fuel expenses for a mine and a desperate attempt to get out from down u dear a most likely overbearing father.

My own history, a hundred years from a netflixs series rushes to my forefront of the times working in the trade. A time re surfaces when sex was imposed in childhood, graduating into the natural order of things , the sex trade. Yet still with a stained but embedded innocence. As emotional growth stunted at the time of trauma at times feels as if my body betrayed me and continued to grow alone & on its own. A disconnect digs its way down deep into the DNA of my core. To survive I disassociate tearing away from myself happens without thought or intent it comes automatically,our drive for survival is an amazing thing even when i wanted to die but tis less like death that I craved, I just wanted the pain to stop. I graduated from sex trade to human trafficking. I had to back track to piece together how I got there, own outright without a dollar changing into my hands.

#RemembranceDay & Divided we fall

As I scan through the week, catching glimpses of news, reactions from the #USAelections I see such #division that it scares me. Today on #RemembranceDay the impact and the contrast is mind blogging. People beating others for their vote of support that disagrees with theirs. #Darktimes indeed.  We are back peddling my friends I don’t think I’ve ever seen such #division in my days. But today is Remembrance Day and to some degree it’s not a separate issue as it’s woven in today. #Letusnotforget, let’s us reflect and #respect. Let’s us weave the learnings of yesterday into the present TENSE because divided we fall 😞