Shedding Light On My Internal Debate

I’ve recently been thinking about this whole #politicallycorrect thing. I hear mostly comments against it especially initially when it was becoming a thing which was usually followed by statements such as; I tell it like it is. I can’t help cringe to some degree by this remark, as one can only state how something is from their own perception  and #perspective which doesn’t mean it fits for everyone. We are such a holier than thou society, entrenched in righteousness, political correctness. Personally, I think we missed the mark and maybe its the word, correct that sent us all a stray. Political sensitivity, now that seems to me like a much better fit. It’s not about being right, correct but having sensitivity to others, from our commonalities to our differences. I would assume the goal initially was not to cause another pain, discomfort where this whole hoopla began. So where’s the sensitivity, how is statements such as I tell it like it is, came to be. Who’s measuring stick are you using. Sometimes I wonder what happened to common sense maybe it moved, maybe it’s gone forever after all look who got voted in the states., I mean #Trump really, what are people thinking. When I look at what’s happening in the world I get terribly #depressed, I shrink and my fear grows. I have found the only way for me to survive is to keep shifting my focus, as I’m not aiming to stick my head in the sand though the idea of that seems, oh so tempting at times. This year has offered some great experiences, new challenges and wonderful new friends. It has also offered up a number of losses. I often feel as if I’m on a roller coaster ride with the ups and downs, might as well throw in a few sideways too.  I do believe it all boils down the sensitivity and common sense both seem to be all to often missing in action. I’m tired of being told I’m to sensitive, #IamwhatIam otherwise I’d be different. I don’t believe I’m to sensitive. I’m not looking at becoming desensitized to the world around me but man, sometimes I do need to take shelter and step back from the goings on in this world. This year I’ve focused on taking risks, shedding my fear, living and getting comfortable in my own skin.

Just some stuff to think about

Wishing you all a very happy healthy new year

Cyndi Ingle (spice fac)2015-11-29 at 7.18.36 PM 13

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