Category Archives: MentalHealth

Stolen curiosity impacts

It was the night before winter Solstices, the shortest day of the year, the longest night of the year. On my way to my first rehearsal having arrived early, I climbed up the stairs to the top where I found Barbara and a precocious two year old, who climbed into the cardboard box opened the jar of small plastic animals and proceeded to show me what she had, counting them, making animals sounds and giggling. Barbara commented on the amazing curiosity a child has at this stage. I remember when my daughter was that age and all through her right of passages I remember her curiosity with everything. I remember watching her in awe, totally bewildered and I probably watched her to much. She really does shine beyond belief. I was in total awe, I don’t remember having that curiosity as a child and not because I don’t remember but because that right of passing and it is a right of passage a part of the essential development of us human beings was stolen from me though childhood sexual abuse. I am so painfully aware of its absence, like a gapping black hole. I still carry the awkwardness and internal and external judgment from venturing there now in such adult years that I am. Yet having had that curiosity and innocence stolen still leaves a tainted craving to allow it to explore it at this stage, where it is no longer acceptable now may it even be possible to regain. Somethings lost cannot not be regained. I am left with that truth forever, still the emotions that are triggered at the witnessing of the curiosity of a child is bitter sweet, my eyes tear up in awe as it is such a magical state of being, such as essential part of our development and such a strange venture to continue life with its stolen absence.

And yet, life goes on years of intense darkness yet here I found myself a half century later immersed in Light. Life’s twist and turns, I always knew there was a another side of the fence though I’m not sure how I knew maybe it was that I got to periodically witness my siblings living it but regardless I just knew but I had no idea how to get there, how to jump the fence over into the light and it wasn’t a simple jump more so a process of unfolding and here I am, standing in the Light. Good things happening in my myself, productive and experiences so many new things, things I wish I could say I had dreamed of, but my dreams for the most part was surviving. I do however have a fleeting flash in pan memory when I moved to Niagara Falls and entered their high school, it was the stage that caught the corner of my eye then gone poof. I didn’t dare, I couldn’t, I shouldn’t, I was unable

the stage memory infiltrated during my first second round class with #SoulOtheatre, its moments like these that are embedded within me and rise to the light like a seed planted. Now I’m writing, preforming and in the show, from back stage into the spot light.

Sometimes I find myself aware of the awe of the changes and wonderful things happening in my life. It’s overwhelming delight that I find myself hesitant to touch and explore. Hesitancy a thread that runs from beginning but hopefully not to the end. I remind myself I am worthy, I am recouping, I am allowed to enjoy and explore this to the full extent.

Hesitancy, a thread that is so familiar to me, a life time relationship we’ve had. One that I want to sever and will do my best of my ability to break the tights that bind us, as its been like walking a tight rope. So today I retreat, gonna call it a mental health day

In The Blink of an Eye, everything can change



Car crash 2 gone, no survivors

One Suicide

2 separate continents

2 separate messages back to back


Floating in limbo

In a fraction of a second everything can change

Impact as if

A concrete wall

A soul wrenched in excruciating pain

Lives gone, life continues

In limbo

Shock and speechless

Outpour of love and kindness

Wanting to retreat from the world

Chatty me, side stepping emotions, only to end up in yuk, fuck this, not my wisest move should not have gone there, left feeling stupid but overshadowed by

Just as it should be

But was stupid on my part, what was I thinking, just cause something heavy is brought up doesn’t mean I have to run with it and anyway who bring more heavy to the table under these circumstances. No control, no power not mine to contend with

My plate is full




I glance over at the loving gentle kind compassionate comments and feel as if I am blanketed with tenderness, bitter sweet

Wanting to be held, to break down but fear my own vulnerability and cannot force the tears

Knowing they will come, they will run down my face

My heart aches

Wisest in my tiny mind

Paint the portrait a mother and son

A son who is no longer

Gunned down, shot in the back

My heartbreaks

Unto the canvas I pour my tears.


getting a grip on my crazy, things are looking up 

This is a rewrite, cause that’s what happens when you don’t save your work and as a result, something new. I’ve stood still, looked around and found most the people I know volunteer, they are doing what they can to make the  world a better place and that made me smile.

I struggle with ups and downs. I’m grateful my downs are fairly short lived but they are intense. I live in a crazy world. Where refined sugars and Ritalin run a muck on a planet that has made plants illegal and pharmaceutical widely prescribed. Where in some states it’s illegal to feed the homeless and the film industry throws outrageous amounts of food out due to any legality issues that might surface. Where the food industry tosses away a ridiculous amount of food out, not because it’s gone bad but it’s not deemed perfect visually. Where living off the grid or speaking of climate change is illegal. Where being arrested for marihuana can result in more time than committing rape. Am I crazy, some would say yes.

What really goes on in my mind. Yes I’m the gal who can get lost while using my gps that is normal for me at times. I am super sensitive to the energy of others, to my environment & I think the world has gone mad, everything is upside down and backwards. 

Best I can do is grab hold of the humour of it all as it seems to have crossed the line into the ludicrous . This is where I live.

Welcome to earth

I’ve worked in the field of social services, as a child & youth care worker, case management, street outreach, addictions, corrections & mental health. 

I’ve been on both sides of the fence, as a patient/client and as a staff person in social services I found that within the field of social services, particularly mental health, the stigma runs high. I can’t image how those working in the field can be helpful with their pre conceived biases, it makes me sad and angry. I often felt as if I was the gerbil running the wheel, desperate to get off but working within a system that’s so messed up. There are great workers with all social service areas and my heart goes out to them as well. I know the frustration all to well. I remember watching the movie “Monster” and thinking, we as a society have created this yet we are so quick to judge. The powers that be, you know the ones who have established societies norms and laws are not necessarily interested in our well being. I am a pond in their game, a nobody and I am aware that. But I am surrounded with amazing people who donate their time, their talents because “giving” outweights receiving and it is what life is about. I am a believer in the butterfly effect and I once wrote my own own eulogy, the exercise helped me to gain a solid access to my own measuring stick, it gave me direction and created a solid path for me, for which I am so grateful. When I think about my last day here in this vehicle on this planet I want to feel as if I’ve done things that have impacted others in a positive way. I want to feel proud of how I lived my life and what I contributed. For more than half my life I was lost and on the run as I couldn’t stand to be present, the pai, the abuse, the horrors of mankind riddled away at my soul, shredding and crumbling my foundation. So now I’m rebuilding recreating patching strentgheing the core base. I am creating new happy memories & though the past still rears its ugly head, I will not stop, I will not drowned, I will take breaks and I will shift my focus at times in order to survive and make it back home. I cradle my soul, as it is precious. I am so grateful today

Just trying to hold onto my sanity thru it all because with me I carry the a tormented soul

I’m on the mend despite this crazy world we live in.

Family Day reframed

I’m not oppose to additional stat days. Personally i think we’d be so much better off if our society functioned on a 35 hr week, 4 days as oppose to 7. I dont know what they were thinking calling it family day, totally oblivious how the painfulness it must cause those who have no family. But heres a twist, we are able to redefine the word, create our own tribe. A tribe can consist of new not blood related family members, isn’t that great? We all need to feel a part of, to belong, to have an imposed family the one you are stuck with or to recreate a family choosing members to be a part of. So in celebration of re defined definition of family, happy day to you all whether you a re related or not, is irrelevant. True family members are a part of as a result of how they make you feel, the role they [play in ur life. I am grateful to have true family members whom leave me feeling safe and loved and adopted/tribe family members as well. So celebrate the day off in whatever way you choose and keep in mind McGuinty was an ass for calling it that. xo

Id love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this, thanks